Strategic Alignment Classes

Intentional Alignment – the Pathway to Purpose

If the reason you’re in business isn’t clear, you can bleed energy away from your core purpose. When people have different agendas to be successful, conflict often occurs without ill intent. The way to fix that is revisit your why and renew your commitment of what makes your organization great. The result is a strategically aligned organization. We work with your team to answer revisit and reestablish why you do what you do.

  • Establish purpose: Vision and Mission – why are we here and how do we talk about it?
  • Clarify values – what do we stand for?
  • Tell the stories – who has exhibited these values?
  • Define behaviors that everyone should exhibit to be successful
  • Highly interactive full-day workshop, customized to your team. You will come away with tools to drive culture throughout the organization and sustain change. We bring tools to your team to continue the journey to excellence.

Communicate Value – the Language of Alignment

Have you been there? You spend so much time developing mission/vision/values and your team cares deeply enough to write it down on posters in the lobby, but that’s as far as it goes? Nobody takes the message seriously because it hasn’t been socialized and systematized. We help you identify strategic communication opportunities where core values are cascaded throughout the organization. Leaders who take control of the story can drive culture deep into the organization through a few simple steps. Learn how to:

  • Develop cohesive messages around values and purpose
  • Cascade the messages from top to bottom
  • Define expectations for everyone within the organization
  • Have direct conversations that create accountability

Purposeful Planning – Strategic Alignment

When the organization is going in different directions, how can you achieve your goals? We help your team develop strategic alignment by collaboratively creating a road map that gets everyone on the same road. The result is a robust alignment that drives out the extraneous and engages excellence. In this class your team will:

  • Become clear on opportunities and threats
  • Develop strategic objectives as a team to gain agreement and support
  • Create a communication strategy that informs stakeholders and seeks for input
  • Use the opportunity to build employee engagement – weigh-in and buy-in